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When Virginia Beach Park officially opened to the public in 1945, a prefabricated "snack bar" was among the site's first amenities. A 1947 hurricane destroyed it. In 1951, this permanent concession stand was constructed. For decades, park and beac…
(side 1)
Originally African American residents of Coconut Grove attended integrated religious services at Union Chapel, now known as Plymouth Congregational Church. The African Americans, who were used to a more spirited religious experience, fou…
The natural limestone that once spanned the Arch Creek served as a crossing place for prehistoric Tequesta Indians, Seminole War soldiers and early pioneers. It was a natural wonder of great beauty and a scenic gathering place from which eventuall…
Dreamer, writer, poet, philosopher, lover of the beautiful - he made his dream become a reality in the creation of Coral Gables, City Beautiful.
Dade County commissioner from 1914 to 1916. He advocated and promoted good highways and transportat…
This property has been listed in the
National Register of Historic Places
by the
United States Department of the Interior
This property
has been placed on the
National Register
of Historic Places
by the United States
Department of the Interior
Founded in 1896
is officially listed on
The National Register
Of Historic Places
by the United States
Department of the Interior
Born 1793 in Virginia. Joined 12th U.S. Infantry in 1813; Served with it thru War of 1812; In 4th Regiment rest of his life. Promoted from 3rd Lieut. to Major, Commanded garrison at Key West. In Seminole War was sent with 117 men to aid Gen. Clinc…
On Sept. 18, 1926, the Great Miami Hurricane swept across South Florida with estimated winds of 131-155 mph. The storm killed more than 370 people, made more than 25,000 people homeless, and caused millions of dollars in damage. In the early 20th …
Indians lived at the mouth of the Miami River (200 yards southwest of this spot) for more than 15 centuries before White men came. The principal town of the Tequesta Indians, including six mounds used for dwelling, burial, and religious rites, was…