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Hereon the 19th of April1775was madethe first forcible resistanceto British aggression.On the opposite bankstood the American Militia.Here stood the invading Armyand on this spotthe first of the enemy fellin the War of that Revolutionwhich gaveInd…
By the Rude Bridge thatarched the flood,their flag to April'sbreeze unfurled,here once the embattledfarmers stood,and fired the shot heardround the world. Back of Monument:1775NinteenthofApril——-1875
These cannonwere abandonedatFort Independence(Castle William)by theBritish forceswhen they evacuatedtheCity of BostonMarch 17, 1776
Under this treeWashingtonfirst took commandof theAmerican Army,July 3d 1775
Washington's General Ordersgiven at Cambridge, July 4, 1775 "The Continental Congresshaving taken all the troopsof the several Colonies,which have been raised,or which may be hereafter raisedfor the support and defenceof the Liberties of Americ…
At this placeGeneral Henry Knoxdelivered toGeneral George Washingtonin January 1776the train of artillerybrought fromFort Ticonderogato force the enemy toevacuate Boston Erected by the Commonwealthof Massachusetts 1927
Through this place passedGeneral Henry Knoxin the winter of1775 - 1776to deliver toGeneral George Washingtonat Cambridgethe train of artilleryfrom Fort Ticonderoga usedto force the British Armyto evacuate Boston. Erected by the Commonwealthof M…
Through this place passedGeneral Henry Knoxin the winter of1775 - 1776to deliver toGeneral George Washingtonat Cambridgethe train of artilleryfrom Fort Ticonderoga usedto force the British Armyto evacuate Boston. Erected by the Commonwealthof M…
Line of the MinutemenApril 19,1775 Stand your groundDon't fire unless fired uponBut if they want warlet it begin here.Captain Parker
In 1821 Hugh Commisky led a band of laborers on a trek from Charlestown to Lowell. With muscle and sweat they dredged canals in the soil of rugged farmland. As others joined in their toil a complex waterpower system evolved, creating a new era of …
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