Historical Marker Search

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Showing results 1 to 10 of 85
Built in 1901-05, it was the first Powerhouse on the Canadian side to produce electrical energy for commercial use and sale outside Niagara Falls. Its location takes advantage of the natural flow of the river which formerly entered here to flow a…
In 1885, the Province of Ontario established The Niagara Parks Commission as part of an international effort to preserve the natural scenery around Niagara Falls. Originally, the Commission included Colonel Casimir Gzowski, Chairman, John W. Lang…
Speaking about this monument, Canadian sculptor Les Drysdale says: "Tesla is as he would have appeared in 1896, age 39, about the time his inventions were being used to create hydroelectric power at Niagara Falls. As the story goes, the …
Nikola Tesla was born to a Serbian family in the village of Smiljan, Croatia. He was a brilliant child who when only 12 years old, upon seeing a lithograph of Niagara Falls declared that one day he would put a wheel under it and "power the w…
On August 6, 1918, this dumping scow broke loose from its towing tug about 1.6 kilometres (1 mile) upriver, with Gustav F. Lofberg and James N. Harris aboard. The men opened the bottom dumping doors and the scow grounded in the shallow rapids. The…
In 1786 John Burch, a United Empire loyalist, constructed a water-powered grist and sawmill on this site. He was the first to use the waters on the west bank of the Niagara River for industrial purposes. The mills were burned by the retreating Ame…
Opened in 1906 to supply the Toronto market, this generating station was the first wholly Canadian-owned hydro-electric facility at Niagara Falls. Engineers adapted advanced European and American technologies to a difficult site in a bold and ente…
About the year 1600 B.C., the Falls of Niagara was located at this point in the Niagara River. During the 12,000 year history of the Falls, it has receded from its initial breach of the escarpment at Queenston Height to is present location 3.66 km…
This trail is provided and maintained through the earnings of The Niagara Parks Commission. The Commission is a self-funding agency of the Ontario Government dedicated to preserving and enhancing the beauty of the lands adjacent to the Niagara Riv…
An ancient river pre-dating the Wisconsin Glacier flowed through the channel of the Whirlpool Rapids and the Whirlpool draining glacial Lake Erie. After the retreat of the glacier when the present river broke through the rock barriers at Thompson …