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In honor of the menwho served in the Army or Navyof the United States of Americain the World War
Herewhere in March 1782stoodWashington's HeadquartersFederal Rock Council No. 164Jr. O. U. A. M.have placed this relic of theBattleshipMainein memory of their fellow countrymenwho lost their lives inHavana HarborFeby. 15, 1898?Amor Patriae Duxit'1914
has been designated aRegistered NationalHistoric LandmarkUnder the provisions of theHistoric Sites Act of August 21, 1935this site possesses exceptional valuein commemorating and illustratingthe history of the United States U.S. Department of t…
Replaced the original train station which was situated on the north side of the tracks. The New York, Susquehanna and Western lines which passed through Pompton Lakes came from Jersey City and went to Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania and Middletown, New…
Here, during the Revolution,were made cannon and shotfor the Continental Army.Washington and Greene werequartered at the Manorhome of Robert Erskine,Geographer of the Army.Here began the march of3,000 soldiers to Yorktown.
On October 23, 1780, the lightinfantry was stationed here.The hill on the east side ofthe Notch was used byWashington as a lookoutfrom which to observe themovement of his troops.
Morris CanalNationalRegistered Landmark Morris Canal Crossed Here →←Passaic County
July 1-29, and October 9 - November 27, 1780, Washington had headquarters here at the house of Colonel Theunis Dey. The main army encamped along Totowa Heights.
Used by Washington as a lookout while quartered at the Dey House, October, 1780. Major Parr's Rifle Corps. camped in the ravine.
The Mansion ofColonel Theunis DeyThe Headquarters ofGeneral WashingtonJuly ~ Oct ~ Nov ~ 1780 Acquired and restored 1930-1934 byThe Passaic County Park CommissionMarked by Capt. Abraham Godwin ChapterNew Jersey Society S.A.R. ? ? ? Oct 8, 1934
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