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Created 1780 byRevolutionary War troopsof General Lafayette,while manning outpoststo watchBritish troop movements. New JerseyHistorical SocietyDonated by Lewis Montesano
In honor of the men of Oak Ridge who went forth at the call of their country to serve in the World War 1917 - 1919———————-Ernest Angle George Beatty George Buntzen Charles S. Coursen David Cole Holbar…
The furnace is all that remains of the 19th century ironmaking community that was established by William Jackson in 1826. Representative of New Jersey's early iron industry, the furnace utilized locally available resources to supply iron for the r…
Under the parent of this treeWashingtonfirst took command of theAmerican Army July 3rd 1775. Planted by theAquackanonk LandingChapter D.A.R. 1932
[ Side One: ]A tribute of honor toGeorge Washingtonand his army,and a memorial to thespirit that foundedand preserved theRepublic. [ Side Two: ]WashingtonUnique in characterBlameless in privatelife and public officeChampion of LibertyFriend of …
To Honor William Alexander - Lord Stirling1725 - 1783American Patriot - Friend of WashingtonLord Stirlingcrossed Acquackanonk Bridge with eightregiments of New Jersey Militia,November 14, 1776. Set up headquartersat Blanchard House opposite the…
American troops, encamped between the Hackensack and Passaic Rivers, were ordered by Washington, Nov. 21, 1776, to cross the Passaic here. After burning the bridge, they marched across Jersey. The Blanchard House often was used as a headquarters.
To commemorate the services and record the names of her soldiers and sailors who gave their lives in the War for the Union. [ Left of Monument: ]Honor the BraveThe War of 1861-1865 was waged successfully for the preservation of the Union as a n…
In MemoriamCharles Curie1842 ? ——- ? 1910A model citizenA patriotic soldierA loyal friendA good man and——- ? true ? ——-A tribute fromthe citizens ofPaterson · 1913
In grateful memory ofthe American RevolutionaryHero and PatriotBrigadier - GeneralKazimierz Pulaskiin the one hundred and fiftiethanniversary of his deathon the battlefield This monument waserected bythe Americans of PolishDescent of Paterson, …
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