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On the night of September 13-14, 1814, an artillery soldier named Francis Scott Key watched as the British attacked Fort McHenry. With bombs bursting mid-air, and in dawn's early light, the American flag remained. Key was so inspired by the sight,…
A series of rapids once cascaded 55 feet over six miles down this section of river. Canoes had to be portaged and boats could not travel upriver. The largest "falls" tumbled 20 feet over 100 yards. They provided a natural source of power for sawmi…
In 1878 the Legislature set aside 50,000 acres of "Public Trust Fund Lands" as a "State Park." These were scattered timbered lands located in Lincoln, Iron, Vilas and Oneida Counties. Because no effort was made to develop these lands, the Legislat…
On February 13, 1887, the Danish Evangelical Lutheran Church in America established its first seminary on this site with Pastor Thorvald Helveg as President, assisted by Pastor Jens Pederson and a layman, J.P. Petersen. In 1888 Pastor P.S. Vig suc…
On September 20, 1900, through the dedicated efforts of local citizens, the State of Wisconsin acquired land here along the Dalles of the St. Croix River, officially establishing Interstate Park as Wisconsin's oldest state park. The year 2000 mark…
This millstone is the last remnant of the flour mill that operated on the river bank a half-mile to the south. Power was provided by the stream that now tumbles down a rocky slope on the north boundary of the Wisconsin Interstate Park.
Pieces o…
The city of St. Croix Falls commissioned local sculptor, Julie Ann Stage, to create a monument in bronze which would embody the poetry and natural beauty of the St. Croix River Valley.
River Spirit, unveiled on July 29th of 2007, is a focal poi…
Lions Park marks the site of an historic battle between the Chippewa Indians and their traditional enemies, the Fox and Sioux. Circa 1770, the two war parties met on the portage area below in a fierce fight that raged among the crags and crevices …
From 1867 to 1878 master brewer Veit Geiger operated the Geiger Brewery at this location. The artesian springs assured an abundant source of pure water, and the nearby caves provided a constant 50-degree storage cellar. The brewery, was just one o…
For thousands of years, this limestone bluff has been an area landmark. Chippewa Indians camped here along the "ginseng trail" that stretched from Balsam Lake in Polk County to New Richmond in St. Croix County. Overlooking the St. Croix National S…