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Cream Brick CottagesRacine's rapid and diversified industrial growth after the Civil War attracted a large working population to the city. Desiring their own homes, many workers built modest cottages of similar design in wood or brick. A high conc…
In 1850, Czech immigrants from Bohemia and Moravia, now regions in the Czech Republic, established a rural settlement between Five Mile and Seven Mile Roads in Caledonia Township. This early settlement known as "Ceska Betlemska" or Bohemian Bethle…
Among those contributing to the nation's westward expansion in the nineteenth century and to Wisconsin's early development were members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons). In 1835, Moses Smith helped establish Burlington …
Under the leadership of John Luraas, forty pioneers came to Muskego Lake from Norway in 1839, to found one of the most important settlements in Norwegian-American history. After temporary set-backs, the settlement flourished here through the leade…
In 1873 the Rev. Dr. J.W. Carhart of Racine designed and operated the first light self-propelled highway vehicle in the United States, and probably the first in the world. He named it the Spark. It was driven by a two cylinder steam engine, steere…
Skunk Grove was a stopping place for travelers in an uncharted wilderness on the mail route between Green Bay and Chicago. It was located about 200 yards southeast of this marker, where the trail crossed the stream now known as Hood's Creek.