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H-46 40 Years of Service. June 1964 - September 2004. Presented in tribute to over 40 years of flight operations logged in support of the Naval Service by the H-46 Sea Knight Helicopter. The Boeing Co.
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Carlsbad's First Firehouse. . Built in 1942, the North Sector office of California State Parks was the first fire station in northern San Diego County. The Caifornia Division of Forestry (CDF) occupied the building until 1973 when California State…
California Quadrangle. . Built for the 1915 Panama-California Exposition, the Plaza de California and its surrounding buildings created a grand entrance to the Exposition, announced by the ornate west archway. The California Building and Tower sta…
On this site in 1900, Coronado Beach Company opened Tent City for vacationers on a budget. Until 1939, thousands of people from Southern California and beyond vacationed here between June and September, enjoying the fresh air, nightly concerts, da…
Coronado Historical Landmark
First Firehouse Site - 1892
In November 29, 1924, the Navy's first aircraft carrier, the USS Langley, tied up to the pier at the naval air station at North Island. A converted coal transport, she had a flight deck 500 feet in length and could carry more than 30 aircraft.
Six weeks after the arrival of the USS California in San Diego Harbor, aviation pioneer Glenn Curtiss established a flying school in an inlet just across the bay to your left where you are standing. There he trained Lieutenant Theodore Ellyson and…
Historical Landmark
San Diego #58
The Livingston House
AKA The Baby Del
Built in San Diego 1887
Relocated to Coronado 1983
Private Residence
Until the 1980's, carriers launched aircraft with a wire cable, or bridle, which pulled the aircraft down the catapult track. At the end of the track the aircraft detached from the bridle as it flew off the bow. After the aircraft separated, the b…
Originally built in the garden behind the Twins Inn. This gazebo was donated to the city of Carlsbad by Neiman's Village Faire and moved to the Rotary Park in 1950. It was restored through the generous assistance of the Carlsbad Evening Rotary Club.