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Home of Aaron Dickinson, blacksmithand his wife Elizabeth
Home of J. Teller Schoolcraft while he wasMayor of Schenectady (1914-1915)
Site of store owned by John Prince (New YorkState Assembly member, after whom Princetownwas named) a…
Head of navigation on the Mohawk, this thriving gateway post funneled traders, soldiers and settlers west for over 160 years. Warehouses — filled with furs, grain, salt, potash and other goods — lined the far bank of the Binnekill. Hun…
Composer Lived Here 1939-1945* Scotia HS Grad 1945Wrote Chances Are, No NotMuch, You Are Never Far AwayFrom Me, Home For The HolidaysMoments To RememberIt's Not For Me To Say
St George's Lodge, No. 6F. & A. M. Founded Here1774 Under Auspices OfSir John Johnson, GrandMaster, New York Colony
Here St Georges Lodge No 6F & AM Formed June 1774 HereWashington Was EntertainedBy Civil and MilitaryAuthorities June 30, 1782
Saturday April 10, 1943On this spot representatives of theBritish Eight Armypaid tribute toAmerican Locomotive Co.Workers
Trail Through Open PinesWagon, Stagecoach andMilitary Road. Now StateSt. and Route 5 to Albany
Mariner, master of the batteau Discovery, which departed this harbor August 21, 1992, on the 200th anniversary of Schuyler's Expedition, through her final voyage to Onondaga Lake, July 9th 1994; there he was struck by lightning and died, July 11th…
Site OfFirst MillBuilt By Sweer Teunise OnMill Kill 1666. DestroyedBy Flood 1673 and Rebuilt.First Industry Of TheMohawk Valley
Hotel Van CurlerBuilt 1925Has been placed on theNational RegisterOf Historic PlacesBy the United StatesDepartment of the Interior