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Minnesota's Seaport. More than three billion tons of iron ore, along with millions of tons of grain, lumber, fish, and coal, have passed through the Duluth-Superior harbor since the beginning of Minnesota's Iron Age. The first ore from the rich Me…
A drop of rain water falling here in the Giants Range, a rare three-way continental divide, may flow either north into icy Hudson Bay, east into the Atlantic Ocean, or south into the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico.
From the north slope of t…
Very early Duluth felt that future growthwould depend on having suitable harbor and dockage. Winter storms wrecked breakwater and docks built outside Minnesota Point. St. Louis Bay offered a protected harbor, but access required a canal be dug thr…
Honoring Lewis G. Castlein recognition of his part as a volunteer leader in gaining the seaway and as the administer of the St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation.
The seaway, completed in 1959, represented decades of dreams, planning and …
"Politics is not just about power and money games, politics is about the improvement of peoples lives, about lessening human suffering in our world and bringing about more peace and justice."
Near this site on October 25, 2002—twelve days…
The first lighting was on November 20, 1970, made possible through the contributions of Duluth school children, citizens, business people and visitors.
The present dramatic lighting, first seen on July 4, 1987, is made possible through a genero…
The near-by canal marks the site of Little Portage on Minnesota Point crossed on June 27, 1679 by Daniel De Gresolon, Sieur Du Lhut, a gentleman of the Royal Guard of Louis XIV on his way to explore the Upper Mississippi.
A tributetoJohn MariucciATHLETE-COACH-LEADERWho through the force of his unique personality and determination, laid the foundation for the great U. S. Olympic hockey championships. His belief in the capabilities of the American player shaped not o…
Born in Pennsylvania, 1820; Died in Duluth, 1902.
First permanent settler. In 1852 resided and traded on Minnesota Point. Government surveyor. Discovered iron ore before 1870 on Vermilion. Discovery of Missabe Range followed in 1890. Built Ver…
It has been called the "Grand Canyon of the North"—a fitting title for the world's largest open pit iron mine. The Hull-Rust-Mahoning pit actually began as separate mines, named for their owners, first dug in 1895, that gradually merged into…