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?????At the beginning of the Civil War military strength in the West declined and often it was impossible to safeguard stages carrying the United States mail along the Oregon-California-Mormon Trail. Early in 1862 "Stagecoach King" Ben Holladay ac…
Beneath This MonumentCoal Was First MinedIn This District
Site OfUnion Pacific No. 1 MineA.D. 1868Erected September 17, 1938
Buried under the streets of Rock Springs are seams of coal. In 1850 Howard Stansbury noted that coal could be found near the present town. When, in 1868, the Union Pacific Railroad built through the area, the large commercial mines opened. Number …
On June 6, 1929, the Rock Springs Coal "Welcome" sign was lit. The Union Pacific Coal Company Employes' Magazine reported it spanned the Lincoln Highway and was approximately 100 feet from the main line of the Union Pacific Railroad. It was report…
The Overland StageStation RouteOperated1861 — 1868Green River DivisionStation Site350 Yards East
Erected ByThe Historical LandmarkCommission of Wyoming1952
To All PioneersWho PassedThis WayTo Win And HoldThe West
Trail Crossed30 Miles NorthThis Point
Erected ByPeople OfGreen River 1931
In September 1868 the Union Pacific Railroad established the town of Bryan, named for Lt. Francis Theodore Bryan, a surveyor. The town was located eleven miles west of Green River and north of this location. Passing beyond the settlement at Green …
Relations between emigrants using the trails and the Indians were inconsistent during the migration period. While hostile acts and violent confrontation did occur, they have been overemphasized in trail history. During the early migration period o…
In 1859, the California legislature offered $6,000 a year for the first overland telegraph. This was followed by an act of the United States Congress on June 16, 1860, pledging $40,000 a year for ten years for carrying government messages. With th…
On the horizon about 25 miles to the south is Pilot Butte. An important landmark, Pilot Butte served as a guide post separating South Pass trails from the more southerly Overland Trail that crossed southern Wyoming. Oddly enough, Pilot Butte was m…