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In memory ofVictor and Anna SchloesserThe Stone Housebuilt by his fatherFrancis Schloesser1872
Dedicated to the men and womenof the United States Armed Forces Freedom's CallThey are called to be in uniformto serve both day and nightprotecting our great countryto fight the valiant fight To rescue us from dangerat home, across the seabr…
Erected and dedicated in 1965 by friends and residents of Wilson County, KansasThe clock was originally purchased in 1889 by local citizens, and was almost lost when the old courthouse was razed in 1961. It was purchased by Gus A. Charlen and pres…
The benches returned to the Courthouse and on the Square in 1997 were first installed circa 1910-1915
This property has beenplaced on theNational Registerof Historic Placesby the United StatesDepartment of the Interior
To thegrateful memoryof thosewho enduredsacrifice and sorrowthat wemight serve In memory of theFoundersNeodesha CemeteryAssociation1883
In Memory ofthe Defendersof the Union1861 - 1865 Nor shall your glory be forgotwhile fame her record keepsor honor points the hallowed spotwhere valor proudly sleeps
From this discovery well the field spread first west then south to the Gulf of Mexico. The Norman No. 1 was dirlled in November 1892 by O L Bloom of Independence for William Mills of Osawatomie on land owned by T. J. Norman of Neodesha. The hole w…
Kansas has long been oil country. There are legends that Indians held council around the lights of burning springs. Immigrants, it is known, skimmed "rock tar" from such oil seeps to grease the axles of their wagons. Three blocks southeast, on …
In memory ofCharles Wesley Avars · Percy J Bates · Stanton K Berry · Martin F Bowles · Albert B Carstedt · Ocal Chapman · Jesse E Crisp · Clay Dotson · Paul H Graves · Cass Hale &middo…