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Southbridge Honor Rolls
(Names not transcribed)
To the memory of
Samuel Slater
Founder of America's Cotton Industry
And the Town of Webster
Born at Belper Derbyshire 9 June 1768
Died at Webster Massachusetts 21 April 1835
This monument is dedicated
By Ray and H. Nelson Slater
his Great …
Site of original Slater Cotton Mill
Established circa 1812 by
Samuel S. Slater
Dedicated to the memory of
Samuel S. Slater by
Cranston Print Works Company
September 1977
On this site in 1812 Samuel Slater, the Father of the American Industrial Revolution, Founded the East Village Textile Mill.
In 1936 the Rockefeller Family bought the property and for 75 years operated Cranston Print Works which was an employer…
They gave their today for our tomorrow
Names of those who made the Supreme Sacrifice
Frank Beers
Adelard Bibeau
Leo Bibeau
Stanislas Boisvert
Thomas H. Brogan
William Broughton
Henry C. Cunha
Samuel Desmaris
Parmelius Donais
Dedicated August 15, 2010, in memory of the seven Servant brothers
who faithfully and honorably served their Country during WWII.
Town of Southbridge-Southbridge Veterans Council
Albert L. USA · Clovis E. USA · Gerard A. U…
To the men of
served their country
in the war
for the preservation
of the Union
1861 - 1865
Erected by The Town of
A.D. 1914
(names not transcribed)
Tribute to Veterans
All Wars
☆ ☆ ☆
Supreme Sacrifice
W. W. I
L. L. Bagley
W. W. II
C. H. Davis · H. E. Fay · R. O. Gould
F. C. Harris · L. C. Hunt · J. P. Janiak
J. G. MacNeill …
Dedicated in Honor of Southborough's
American Revolutionary War Veterans
1775 - 1783
With Eternal Gratitude to Those Who
Made the Supreme Sacrifice
Major Josiah Fay (d. August 8, 1776)
Private Jesse Amsden (d. March 3, 1778)
Private Josep…
This tablet was erected in 1995
in memory of the members of
the early generations of the town
who were buried here
in graves marked and unmarked
between 1727 and 1895