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Peter Krellenberg was a German cabinet maker who came to Woodland from Sacramento in 1869 and established his furniture and coffin trades at this site. His family home was one door west of the shop. In 1872 Peter erected a one-story brick building…
Events in the hotel were central to Davis life for several decades during the 20th Century. This display, along with the brick outline, memorializes the structure's place in Davis history.
The line of tan bricks embedded in the sidewalk 12 feet…
In Memory of Those Who Gave Their Lives For Our Freedom
World War I
Virgil W. Agard · Charles V. Alford · Harry Bauer · W.H. Bellows · Thurston R. Chamberlain · Edward C. Delray · Claude J. D…
A quarter-mile "bullring", it was a whirlpool of horsepower as short track racers in jalopies and specially-built, high-horsepower machines, flew around the oval chasing the checkered flag in close, wheel to wheel action. It was a "tacky" place wi…
Around here someplace was almost Yolo County's first courthouse, It was here twice — from 1851 to 1857 and from 1861 to 1863 — when it was stolen permanently by The "Highbinders" in Woodland.
So Be It.
Franklin Sylvester Freeman, founder of Woodland, relocated his stock of goods and built a store in 1860-61, it is the oldest of the earliest commercial buildings in this city. It became the site of Woodland's first post office on July 5, 1861, and…
Contribution by citizens financed the lot purchase and building construction for the Davis Library, which served Davis at this location from 1911 to until 1988. The building was moved to Central Park.
Text by the Davis Library Club
William Byas Gibson came to California from Missouri by mule team in 1850 at the age of 19. In 1856 he started construction of the Gibson House which became the nucleus of his subsequent 3,000 acre estate. He married Mary Cook and they had 3 sons.…
A relic of an early agricultural experiment - the first underground irrigation system in the Central Valley.
The structure was built by Davisville pioneer George Gregg Briggs to irrigate several hundred acres of orchards and vineyards.
By 1…
The Gable Mansion is an outstanding example of 19th Century Victorian Italianate architecture, one of the last of its style, size, and proportion in California. This structure was built in 1885 for Amos and Harvey Gable, pioneer Yolo County ranchers.