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Page 128 of 165 — Showing results 1271 to 1280 of 1648
Dedicatedto those whoservedinVietnam
Dedicatedto those whofought to keepSouth Koreafree and tothose whomaintainthe vigilance. Dedicated June 23, 1984
Donated and built byThe Citizens of Wayne Countyin grateful appreciation and eternal remembrance ofWayne County Veterans,of all wars, killed in action or declared missing,who have made the supreme sacrificethat freedom might continue to bless mank…
In memory of theforty-one personswho lost theirlives in the tragicdowntown explosionApril 6, 1968and with everlastinggratitude to thosewho helped giverebirth to this city
(Front - Center Panel:)Engraving of Liberty BellDedicated to the Veteransof Greene Countywho Served Honorably in theArmed Forces of the United StatesandIn Honored Memory of ThoseWho Gave their Lives in theService of Our Country(Seals - U.S. Navy, …
Dedicated to TheVeterans of All ConflictsSept. 3, 1979Greene County VeteransCouncil
In Loving Memory World War I( Left Column )Clarence Adams · John Adams · Orvil C. Allen · James Anderson · Everett Bedwell · Robert T. Bird · Flossie B. Brownless · Scott Coffman · Charles E.…
( Front Side )In Loving Memory( Row One )Korean War VeteransNorman G. Davis · Willard M. Gipson · Joe E. Laughlin · Raymond E. Lawhorn · Chester Grant Lundy, Jr. · Robert E. ZellarsVietnam — Gerald C. Seybo…
In Loving MemoryGlobal War on TerrorismNorman Kyle SnyderMatthew A. Kimmell
Site of First Providence ConventFounded October 22, 1840 byMother Theodore GuerinDonors - Georgia Bearss Crume - Mary Korbly McNutt
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