Historical Marker Search

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Originally settled as Paineburgh, taking its name from the many members of the Paine family who settled here, this section of Foxborough had a strong sense of community with its own elementary school, chapel, railroad station and Post Office. Rail…
Settled by members of the Atherton, Boyden, Hodges, Morse, Pratt, Robbins and other families, This section was known as Robbins Corner for many years. The identity changed with the arrival of the railroad and the establishment of East Foxboro Depo…
First SettlerThe first dwelling in what would become Foxborough was erected in 1669. It was located west of nearby Wading River on a farm laid out for Captain William Hudson whowas a Boston tavern keeper. Hudson never lived here, but leased the pr…
Wading River Farm Location of First house in Foxborough 1670
Here in unmarked graves lie the poor, the destitute, the strangers known only to God. Struck down by death in our midst, they were afforded the decency of a proper burial by a caring community. Some were residents of the town's poor farm. Others w…