Historical Marker Search

You searched for Postal Code: 20902

Page 3 of 5 — Showing results 21 to 30 of 44
Water cycles endlessly through nature, evaporating and rising into the air, condensing and forming clouds, and precipitating back to earth as rain, snow, sleet, or hail. In natural areas, most rain water is caught by vegetation or soaks into th…
Permeable Sidewalk: Permeable paving captures water that would normally run off and allows it to soak down into gravel beds below. Strip Drain: This drain captures water as it flows across the sidewalk and channels it into the upper retention b…
Rain gardens are designed to capture stormwater runoff, holding it until the water soaks into the ground. The water may come from any impervious surface including roofs, streets, sidewalks, or even lawns. Normally this water (along with sediments …
Every time you walk into your garden to enjoy a beautiful flower or pick a fruit, you might thank a bee, butterfly or hummingbird. These and other kinds of animals are pollinators — they move pollen from one flower to another flower of the s…
Prior to installation of the Gardens' in-ground irrigation system, 60 percent of gardeners' time was spent pulling up and placing water hoses during the hot, dry months. With this important technology, gardeners can now spend more time actually …
Autumn Wildlife—Autumn's shorter days bring cooler weather. Leaves begin changing from green to yellow, gold, orange and red. Animals get ready for colder days by building up fat and energy reserves. Some eat leaves, seeds, nuts, and berries…
Winter Wildlife—Some animals that live around the pond remain active, foraging for food to sustain them in the winter. A thick layer of fat keeps them warm, and provides energy reserves when food is hard to find. Most animals within the pond…
Spring Wildlife—In the spring, a flurry of activity takes place in and around the pond. Animals that were inactive during winter become active as the days get longer and warmer. Many begin selecting territories and mates. The pond is full of…
Summer Wildlife—In the summer, animals that were born in spring have left their dens and nests and begin to make their own way in the world. In the Pond—The pond provides habitat for painted, red-bellied and snapping turtles. They b…
Alternative to Plastic Water Bottles Brookside Gardens has banned the use of plastic water bottles at our own events. Instead we provide a water cooler, from which staff can fill reusable bottles or compostable cups. We've also added water bo…