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Side 1 Early on the quiet Sunday morning of June 25, 1950 - June 24th in Washington - the North Korean Peoples Army attacked South Korea. They crossed the 38th parallel with 135,000 soldiers and 22 Russian built tanks. This action touched off one …
FrontDedicated to soldiersand patriots of theAmerican Revolutionwho are buried in IowaDecember 28, 1846IowaOur liberties weprize our rightswe will maintainReverseGeorge Perkins, N. and S. Carolina, Lee CountyWilliam Potter, Virginia, Jackson Count…
United States SenatorMDCCCXXIX · MCMVIIIfor forty-three yearsA member of Congress from IowaOldest in serviceWisest in councilA friend of all
To honor those who have served that we may live in freedom.
Front1 of 52 U.S. Submarines lost during WWIILost on her 2nd patrol, January 20, 1942in Makassar Strait, Indonesia.Left ImageU.S. Submarine Veterans World War IIIn memory of all submarines and crews on eternal patrolRight ImageUnited States Submar…
Cave HistoryWorkers for the Hagensieck brewery created these cave openings around 1867 using picks, shovels and blasting powder. They used the caves to store ice and beer until the brewery closed in 1888. Hundreds of bats used the caves until 1986…
Across this impressive gorge of the Mississippi River is the mouth of the Wisconsin River. The steeply notched valleys of both rivers are carved into sedimentary bedrock which underlies the level, plateau-like uplands and forms the abrupt, picture…
After traveling 68 days and 600 miles, it was time for the Corps of discovery to stop for a rest. On July 22, 1804, William Clark wrote, they camped on the east side of the Missouri River, about 10 miles above the mouth of the Platte River, on lan…
French, Spanish, and British traders already controlled trade empires west of the Mississippi river when Lewis and Clark began the Expedition in 1804. but President Thomas Jefferson wanted the United States to control trade in the newly acquired L…
The Western Historic Trails Center welcomes you to the story of America's trails west. The trip across the county from the Mississippi to the Pacific required stamina and ingenuity to overcome the challenges of the landscape. Walk along the levee …