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Honor * Protect* Remember
Plaque 1
Portsmouth Memorial Park Dedicated November 2013 Displayed at the center of this memorial, are the granite foundation abutments that supported the memorial bridge for eighty-eight years, memorializing the pas…
The Bypass was part of a major New Deal project to move U.S. Route 1 traffic away from the congested streets of downtown Portsmouth. The Bypass created a second Piscataqua River crossing into Maine via the Interstate (Sarah M. Long) Bridge. The hi…
Memorial to the Soldiers and Sailors of New Hampshire who participated in the World War 1917-1919
(north face)
In honor of the men
who gave
their services on the
land and on the sea
in the war which
preserved the Union
of the States this
monument is erected
by grateful citizens.
(east face)
This cemetery was formally established in 1671 on land given to the town by Captain John Pickering. The land was used for burials prior to this time, but because Pickering retained the right to graze his cattle here, many of the earliest graveston…
This burial ground has some of the finest Colonial Era gravestones in northern New England. Portsmouth residents patronized Massachusetts gravestone carvers until the early 1800s. Among the artists whose work can be found here are Bostonians Willi…
Legend Records "Liberty, Property & no Stamps" on a flag flown on the first Portsmouth Liberty Pole in January 1766, in response to British attempts to tax products without American representation in Parliament, the Portsmouth Sons of Liberty retu…
First PermanentJewish Houseof Worship inNew HampshireStar of DavidNew Hampshire's Jewishcommunity dates back tothe pre colonial ear.Temple Israel, establishedas a formally organizedcommunity in 1910,affirmed the Americanprinciples of freedomof rel…
Located in Market SquareSeat of Colonial Government, 1758 - 1776The Declaration of Independence was read from the Building,July 18, 1776President George Washington spoke from the Balcony, October 31, 1789
On this site were leased lots provided by the North Church Parish dating from 1709. One such parcel was the home of Hunking Wentworth, Chairman of the Committee of Public Safety and zealous patriot on behalf of the American Revolution. The site wa…