Historical Marker Search

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This house was built in 1694 by the Rev. John Hale, first minister of the first church in Beverly. A charge of witchcraft made against his wife convinced the minister of the folly and wickedness of the crusade and ended all witch-hunting in Beverly.
Built in 1638 by John Balch, who came over in 1623 with Captain Robert Gorges. The "Old Planters" received this land in exchange for their settlement at Salem.
The old planters, RogerConant, John Woodbery andJohn Balch used this pathfrom their homesteads to thecove at the head of Bass river.
Roger Conant was a prudentand religious man who led theold planters from Gloucesterto Salem in 1626, and held themtogether until the Bay Colony was founded. This house wasbuilt on land given by him tohis son Exercise Conant in1666
Korean War1950 - 1953Dedicated to Honor the Sacrifice of OurServicemen and Women of Beverly WhoServed and Those Who Gave Their Lives."For Those Who Have Had to Fight For It,Life Has a Flavor the ProtectedWill Never Know.""You Have Never Lived:"Til…
Vietnam War MemorialThe Citizens of Beverly Dedicate ThisMemorial to All Her Men and Women WhoServed America in the Vietnam War. WeHonor the Courage and Sacrifice of ThoseWho Fought and Died. We Remember ThemFor Their Bravery and Thank Them ForThe…
World War I MemorialBeverly Remembers With PrideHer Sons and Daughters WhoServed Their Country in World War I.The Glorious Ones Who Died GaveTheir Lives As a Sacrifice ForThe Cause of peace. They FoughtFor Us; For Us They Fell. WeRemember, We Mour…
World War II MemorialThe Citizens of Beverly DedicateThis Memorial ToAll Beverly Men and WomenWho Served in America'sArmed Forces in World War IIThus Becoming "Veterans".Beverly Honors With HeartfeltLove and Deep Sense OfLoss for All Their Comrade…
The Memorial BellThe Very Generous Gift OfMr. Robert Hagopian of HamiltonTo be Used at Beverly Memorial DayAnd Veterans' Day ObservancesIn This Park to Honor All ThoseWho Sacrificed Their LivesFor Our Great CountryMay God Make His Face To ShineUpo…
Roger ConantLeader of the Old PlantersAnd Founder in 1626Of Naumkeag (Salem)Built His House Here in 1636In the Southern Angle OfA Two Hundred Acre GrantHe Lived Here Until His DeathNovember 19, 1679Erected by the Roger ConantFamily Association1926