You searched for Postal Code: 15312
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Nearby was the site of the Robert McClure factory of pre-Civil War days. It pioneered in making Andrew Ralston's machine cleaning and threshing grain in a single operation, patented in 1842.
A deeply stratified archaeological site, its deposits span nearly 16,000 years. Discovered in 1973 by Albert Miller and excavated by University of Pittsburgh archaeologists. Meadowcroft revealed North America's earliest known evidence of human pre…
[Front of Monument:]1941 ** Dedicated to the ** 1945 Members of OurCommunity ServingOur Countryin the Armed Forces
[Left Column:]H Patterson, C Burns, P Westlake, C Gillespie, J Shymchyk, J Shedkiac, G Durilla, H Meneely, F Robinson, W westlak…
To the north were located the stockaded cabins of John Doddridge. Built about 1773, they served as a refuge for settlers of this region in Revolutionary days. Also boyhood home of Dr. Joseph Doddridge.