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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Yayoi Kusama
Japanese, b. Matsumoto, 1929
Fiber-reinforced plastic
Collection of the artist
For Yayoi Kusama pumpkins represent a source of radiant energy. They are, perhaps, the artist's most beloved motif, appearing in pai…
In memory of
WWII Fallen Comrades
320th Bomb Group
Dedication on 40th Anniversary
September 11th, 1982
Top of marker:
On July 17, 1975, an American Apollo spacecraft and a Soviet Soyuz space craft docked in space for the first international manned space mission. Three months after the crewmembers of the Apollo-Soyuz test project—astronauts T…
On June 18, 1861, T.S.C. Lowe made a tethered observation flight with his gas-filled balloon Enterprise from a spot on the National Mall in front of where the National Air and Space Museum now stands. During this flight, he sent the first telegram…