You searched for Postal Code: 21750
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Presented by
Aux. Unit #26
May 26, 1969
Comm. Bruce Clipp
Unit Prs. Waldene Lanehart
In recognition
of services rendered
our country by the
men and women
of the Tri State Area
Joseph Hancock, Jr.
Private American Revolutionary War
August 20, 1776 - April 3, 1780
8th Pennsylvania Regiment
Served: New Jersey, Brandywine, Paoli,
Germantown, Valley Forge,
The Western Frontier (Fort Pitt & McIntosh)
Oldest Church in Hancock
Hancock Methodist Church
A small community originally called Millstone Point, but later changed to just Millstone, grew up along the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal. Andrew Jackson (General and later U.S. President) met a committee from Hancock here. Harpers Monthly relates the…
Little Pool was part of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal which connected Cumberland to Georgetown and ran parallel to the Potomac River. The principal cargo hauled on the canal heading east was coal. Westbound boats hauled various cargoes such as fur…
A railroad siding was constructed near here to allow the train's coal cars to unload their cargo at the coal trestle. From the trestle the coal cars would dump the coal to load the trucks that were waiting down below. The trucks would then deliver…
Big Tonoloway and Little Tonoloway Creeks empty into the Potomac River nearby. The Native American translation for Tonoloway is "long tail" or "wildcat". People of English, German, and Scots-Irish descent, who came down from present day Fulton Cou…
A siding track, two and one half miles long, ran through the town of Hancock. This track allowed local businesses to load and off load materials and supplies. Typical materials included lumber, timber, agricultural supplies, sand, coal, aggregate …
The Round Top Hydraulic Cement Company operated at this site from 1863 to 1909. The mill, which was powered by a 16 foot water wheel and eight coal fired kilns, produced 2200 barrels of hydraulic cement per week. The raw materials for the mill wer…
Round Top Hill is ecologically sensitive due to its unique geology and topography. These characteristics have resulted in the formation of unique natural habitats (often referred to as natural communities which support a variety of unusual plants …