You searched for Postal Code: 29081
Showing results 1 to 10 of 22
In Memory Of Our Heroes Of World War II Erected by the Counties of Allendale, Bamberg, Colleton and Hampton May 1, 1948
Colleton County In Memory Of Our Confederate Soldiers Who Here Gave Their Lives In Defense Of A Righteous Cause Feb. 3 and 4, 1865
(Front text) This church, established 1829 30, was first named Three Mile Creek Church and held early services in a brush arbor 4 mi. W on the Salkehatchie River. In 1839 it moved to this site donated by George Kinard, and was renamed St. Johns Ba…
[Photo of guest room]Ehrhardt HallThis restored 19th century mansion located in the town of Ehrhardt is a bed and breakfastand features six guest rooms with amenities including fireplaces.
[Photo of Sinclair Station]Olar Sinclair StationIn 1929…
Ehrhardt Hall was built in 1903 with Victorian style architecture. The owner, Dr. James Haynes Roberts, born March 2, 1863, was originally from the Allendale area. Following in his father's footsteps, who was a self taught dentist and 2nd lieutena…
Eleven years after the battle of Rivers Bridge, a group of local young men formed the RiversBridge Confederate Memorial Association andreburied the Confederate dead here, about a mile from the battlefield. The Memorial Association began to meet at…
( Front face )In Memory of our Confederate Dead who fell in battle at River's BridgesFeb. 4, 1865. (Reverse face ) Soldier's rest, your welfare o'er, Sleep the sleep that knows not breaking,Dream of battlefields no more, Days of danger, nights o…
Most of the Confederates killed here were Georgians,and most were unknown when they were reburied. Butthe local community remembered them as " our Confederate dead, " the fallen heroes of a common cause. The monument placed over their mass grave i…
( Left side ) The Legacy of Total WarFrom January to March in 1865 more than 60,000 Union soldiers led by GeneralWilliam Tecumseh Sherman marched across South Carolina. They broughttotal war to the state, destroyingrailroads, factories and farms a…
Here on February 3, 1865, the 17th U.S. Army Corps led by Major General Joseph A. Mower and Lieut. Gen. Giles A. Smith attacked the Confederate division of Major General Lafayette McLaws and forced the crossing of Salkehatchie River, after a galla…