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"Fighting Joe Wheeler"
Confederate Cavalry Commanderof Army of Tennessee.
Major~General, Cavalry, Spanish American War
One of Alabama's representativesin the Statuary Hall in Washington.
The record of his service shines in letters of living light in the annals of his country's history.
(side 1)Courtland Army Air Field (CAAF): Facilities
At its greatest strength, CAAF was home to 4600 officers, enlisted servicemen, and cadets. During the war years it was the largest population center within Lawrence County. Over 370 structures…
(side 1)Courtland Army Air Field (CAAF): Beginnings
Following the onset of WWII the Army Air Corps initiated an ambitious pilot training program. During its most active period, this program would train over 100,000 pilots per year. To meet this…
Built about 1830 for merchant Joseph Trotter, this house was purchased in 1838 by John J. McMahon, a Virginia-born cotton factor who divided his time between Courtland and New Orleans. The house remained the home of McMahon's descendants for nearl…
Side AOne of Alabama's oldest and most picturesque town cemeteries, this site was set aside as a burying ground by the Courtland Land Company in its original survey made prior to the incorporation of the town in 1819. Many of the area's earliest s…
Side AA combination of rich soil, mild climate and ready access to market via river and later railroad made Courtland an early center of cotton production. From surrounding plantations with colorful names like Bonnie Doone, Oak Grove, Rocky Hill, …
Born July 31, 1868 ~ Died April 10, 1955Daughter of General Joseph WheelerGallantly served her country three times on foreign soil.
Volunteer nurse, Santiago, Cuba~1898.
Spanish~American War and Manila, P.I. ~1899during Philippine Insurrecti…
"Fighting Joe Wheeler"Confederate Cavalry Commanderof Army of Tennessee.Major~General, Cavalry, Spanish American WarSoldier~Statesman~Author~PlanterOne of Alabama's representativesin the Statuary Hall in Washington.
Side ATennessee Street along the north side of the square was originally part of Gaines' Trace, a horse path laid out in 1807 under the direction of Capt. Edmund Pendleton Gaines of the U. S. Army. From Melton's Bluff on the Tennessee River, the t…