Historical Marker Search

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RIVER TOWN "The settlement of the Ohio country, sir, engrosses many of my thoughts... and if I am to form an opinion on what I have seen and heard on the subject, there are thousands in this quarter who will emigrate to that country." - Rufus Put…
MIGHTY RIVERAlthough it remains an unpredictable force of nature, the Ohio River was far more volatile a century ago. Thirty-foot floods could wash away everything along the river's edge, only to be followed by dry spells that would lower the wate…
Muskingtum River Underground RailroadPeople living in Marietta and along the Muskingum River shared a history of slavery opposition. Manasseh Cutler, from Massachusetts and an Ohio Land Company agent, helped draft the Ordinance of 1787 that prohib…
This land at the confluence of the Ohio and Muskingum rivers was part of a million-and-a-half acre tract made available by the Northwest Territory Ordinance of 1787, and purchased by the Ohio Company of Associates for resale and settlement. Many o…
[Main Top Plaque] The inscription appearing belowIs a replica of the one engraved on a lead plaqueBuried on this spot on August 15th, 1749 byCELORON De BLAINVILLEAnd of which a fragment recovered in 1798Is preserved by the American Antiquarian …
[Marker Front]:The Lewis and Clark ExpeditionMeriwether Lewis arrived in Marietta on September 13, 1803. His descent of the Ohio River aboard a keelboat began his expedition to explore the West. Included among his crew was 18-year old George Shann…
LafayetteLanded at this point, May 25, 1825——— · · · ——— Returning in 1824 to the young Nation he had greatly assisted during the Revolutionary War, Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Mo…
Established by the NevadaTerritorial LegislatureFebruary 20, 1864 Rates of TollWagon with two animals $1.00 Carriage and one animal $.75Each additional animal $.25Empty teams returning half priceSaddle animals each $.25Pack do do $.15Loose do do $.10
This stone is placed to keepIn remembrance the HistoricPoint where dwelt during fourYears of Indian War 1791-1795Early settlers of Ohio.
Garrisoned by U.S. troops 1785 to 1790Headquarters 1786 and 1788 ofGen. Josiah Harmar of PA.General-in-Chief U.S.A.