You searched for Postal Code: 54981
Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Built in Scandinavia, WI in 1864
by Ole Hellestad.
Restored on this site in 1999 by
friends of Hartman Creek.
George Allen's crude birch bark cribs provided habitat to grow 1-inch trout fingerlings large enough to be transplanted into area streams. These cribs still exist, preserved and concealed beneath the lake.
In 1939, the State of Wisconsin took o…
In 1976, fish managers filled this raceway with 20,000 hybrid tiger muskies and installed mechanical feeders. Why? To find out if muskies would eat food pellets dispensed from mechanical feeders instead of minnows. The experiment worked! Pellets s…
The old Coach Road ran from Oshkosh to Stevens Point and connected the towns of Rural and Amherst.
Horses snort, wheels rattle and dust flies. If you were traveling between Oshkosh and Stevens Point during the 1880s, you'd have traveled via the…
Korea · VietnamErectedto honor those ofWaupaca CountyWisconsinwho answered theircountry's call and gavetheir lives forthe great cause ofliberty
1917 - 1919Erectedto honor those ofWaupaca, Wisconsinwho answered theircountry's call and gav…
Charles King, one of America's most illustrious soldiers, was born in New York and came to Milwaukee in 1845. His father was Rufus King, editor and publisher of the Milwaukee Sentinel and first commander of the famed Civil War Iron Brigade. Charle…
The Grand Army Home was established in 1887 by the Wisconsin Department of the Grand Army of the Republic, a nationwide organization of Union veterans of the Civil War (1861-1865). The Home provided care for indigent veterans and their wives in a …