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The First Division A.E.F. captured the town on the morning of May 28, 1918
Killed 199
Wounded 867
G.O. N 201. G.H.Q. A.E.F. Nov., 10th 1918 "The Commander-In-Chief has noted in this division a special pride of service and a high state of mo…
On the morning of May 28th, 1918, the 28th Infantry Regiment, U.S. First Division, American Expeditionary Force, commanded by Colonel Hanson E. Ely, conducted the first major American offensive of World War I here at Cantigny. The rest of the Firs…
In the early dawn of Tuesday 28 May 1918, French and American artillery began to shell German positions north of Cantigny in preparation for an attack on the village by the U.S. First Division. The 1st Battalion, 5th Field Artillery Regiment, comm…
by the
United States
of America
to commemorate
the first attack
by an
American Division
in the
World War
(Reverse Side:)
The First Division United States Army operating under the X French Corps captured the Town of Cant…