You searched for Postal Code: 96001
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Dedicated Memorial Day 1939
Owner: County of Shasta
Maintained by War Veterans of Shasta County
General Contractor: Adam Arras & Son Contractors
Funded by The County of Shasta and WPA
Listed in Architectural Historian Book By David Gebhard
Dedicated To All The Veterans Of
Shasta Union High School
"From This Day To The Ending Of The World,
...We In It Shall Be Remembered
...We Band Of Brothers."
World War II Fatalities
Elton Barker · Bilton Beed · …
In Memory of All Members of the Military
Services Who Perished Dec. 7, 1941, During the
Japanese Sneak Attack on the Island of Oahu, T.H.
Dedicated to Honor The Service
of All Shasta County Veterans
Who Have Served This Nation With Honor...
To Honor Those
Valient Men And Women
Who Dedicated Themselves
To Service And Sacrifice
For God And Country
A rich area for Native Americans...
As far back as 14,000 years ago, the Wintu and other Native American Indians lived in the northern Sacramento Valley and surrounding mountains. The Wintu practiced a lifestyle of hunting, fishing and gathering.…
The discovery of gold...
Major Pierson B. Reading discovered gold in Clear Creek in 1848 at what is now known as Reading Bar, located about a mile upstream. Thousands of people rushed here in search of fortune. Gold fever spread and caught people…
Two separate markers have been mounted on the same rock.
Marker on the Right: Diestelhorst Auto CampGotlieb Justus Diestelhorst came to Shasta in 1852, to grow produce and vegetables to sell. He found the soil impossible. This 84 acre parcel be…
Date Opened: August 9, 1935Owner Operator: T & D Jr. EnterprisesArchitect: J. Lloyd Conrich / San Francisco, CAGeneral Contractor: Sath Brothers / San Francisco, CA
Date Reopened : August 14, 2002Owner Operator: Southern Oregon University / JPR…
In 1848Gold was first discoveredon this creekbyMajor Pierson Barton ReadingEarly California Pioneer
[The artwork inscription:]Mt. Shasta14,161 FeetOfficial Emblem of Shasta Historical Society