You searched for Postal Code: 96047
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Hier wurde
geboren 10. Januar 1784
Friedrich von Brenner
Dr. Philos. z. Theol. Professor
im Lyceum
dann Domderchant dahier
berühmt al theo. Schriftsteller
gestorben de 20. August 1848.
[English translation:]
Here on January 10,…
To the Quiet Professionals for Their Courage, Their Honor, Their Ability and for Their Unwavering Dedication to Freedom.
De Oppresso Liber
Combat Veterans Wounded-My stone is red for the blood they shed. The medal I bear is my country's way to show they care. If I could be seen by all mankind maybe peace will come in my lifetime.
Forever in Memory of Those Submariners on Eternal Patrol-Sailors Rest Your Oar-Dedicated by U.S. Submarine Veterans
The townsite is located along Cloverdale Rd. for 0.7 of a mile. Established in 1849, the town grew quickly to 1,500 residents, including 600 Chinese closeby. The Hardscrabble mine began operations in 1853, served by the Dry Creek Tunnel and Flumin…
U.S. Army Special ForcesTo the Quiet Professionals forTheir Courage, Their Honor,Their Ability and for TheirUnwaviering Dedication toFreedomDe Oppresso LiberDedicated by SFA Chapter 89Combat Purple Heart Wounded Veterans MemorialDedicated to those…
[Marker text in German:]1774 unter F?rstbischofAdam Friedrich von Seinsheimnach Pl?nen von J.E. Roppelt erbautmilit?rische Embleme vonJohann Bernhard Kamm
Reprentationsgeb?ude der f?rstbisch?fliche Infantrie[Marker text translated into English,…
[Marker text in German:]Hier stand dieAlte MauthZerst?rt durchKriegseinwirkung1944 - 1945[Marker text translated into English:]Here stood the Old Tollhouse. Destroyed by the effects of war, 1944-1945.