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Canada Remembers Lieutenant Samuel Hooker, Sergeant Joseph Hunt, Pri- vates James Daig, Thomas Fearnsides, Richard Hugill, George Longley, Laurence Meade, John Pegler, John Smith, and John Wale of the First Battalion of the Eighth (King's) Regimen…
[Text on First Historic Marker]:
Battlefield HouseandFifteen and one-half acres ofParklandProperty ofThe women's Wentworth Historical Society1899-1962Given by this society to theNiagara Parks Commissionas a National Historic SiteJanuary 19, 196…
[English Text]: Battle of Stoney Creek
During 1813 the Americans planned to invade Upper Canada from Detroit and the Niagara Peninsula. In late May, an American force crossed the Niagara River, seized Fort George, and with about 3500 troops mo…
On June 5, 1813, an invading United States army of about 3,000 men, commanded by Brigadier - General John Chandler, camped in this vicinity. That evening some 700 British regulars of the 8th and 49th Regiments, under the command of Lieutenant - Co…