George Washington Slept Here
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Scene of Washington's Headquartersand massing of Continental troopsprior to march on Yorktown August27 - 29, 1781.Morris County Heritage CommissionNew Jersey Register of Historic Sites
Under the rooftree of the Innwhich occupied this siteGeneral Washington tarriedwhen in New Brunswick——-On the adjoining squareupon the arrival of the express riderthe Declaration of Independencewas acclaimed by all loyal citizenson July 9, 1776N…
Built about 1735 and occupied until 1774 by Anthony White whose wife was Elizabeth, daughter of Lewis Morris, and whose son was General Anthony White.Owned and occupied from 1774 by General William Burton of the British Army.Owned by the Commissioners of Fo…
This tavern, operated at the time by John Manning, hosted the overnight stay of George Washington April 22, 1789 on route to his inauguration on April 30, 1789. Washington was accompanied on the part of the journey from New Brunswick to Rahway by Captain Na…
Where colony's production of silk was reeled until 1771. Building then used for public purposes. President Washington attended a ball here in 1791. Building destroyed by fire in 1859.
The Indian village of Potobac, visited in 1608 by Capt. John Smith, occupied this site. County Seat of Charles County, 1658 - 1895. Washington visited here frequently. Site of St. Columba Lodge No. 11 A. F.& A. M., chartered April 18, 1793.
Erected by St…
During his Southern tour of 1791, President George Washington visited Augusta—at that time Georgia`s capital—from May 18-21. Washington met with Governor Edward Telfair and other "principal gentlemen of the place," including George Walton and Jo…
To Honor The MemoryofGeneralGeorge WashingtonGuest of Our City1791Placed ByElizabeth WashingtonChapterD.A.R.1932
General George Washington established his headquarters in this area at the junction of the American encampments to the east and the French encampments to the north.
Here he set up two tents: a large one for meeting with his staff and for dining, and a sm…
Now called Mordington, home of Colonel Charles Washington, founder of Charles Town, Virginia (now West Virginia). His brother General George Washington often visited him here. Colonel Washington died in September 1799. He and his wife Mildred are buried on …