George Washington Slept Here
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An important colonial port for shipment of Tobacco. Here in 1765 Zachariah Hood, Maryland's "Stamp Act" agent, was hanged in effigy. Lafayette's troops camped here April 17-18, 1781 on the way to engage Cornwallis in Virginia. George Washington passed many …
George Washington stopped here at least twenty five times between 1789 and 1798. On July 18, 1795, his diary says: "Dined and lodged at Spurrier's where my sick horse died."
Fort Necessity was located about 400 yards to the south in the Great Meadows. Built and commanded, 1754 by Lieutenant Colonel George Washington, aged 22. Here, after 9 hours engagement with M. Coulon de Villiers in command of 900 French regulars and their I…
About one half mile above this point is the "Great Crossings" of the Youghiogheny River, where George Washington crossed November 18th, 1753, when sent as envoy by Gov. Dinwiddie of Virginia to the French Commandant at Fort Le Boeuf.
Washington, on his m…
On Vansville Hill, Prince George's County, Maryland. President George Washington stopped there on July 19, August 7, and September 12, 1795.
General Braddock's 6th camp on the march to Fort Duquesne Saturday and Sunday June 20th and 21st, 1755. Washington was forced to remain behind with a guard on account of "violent fevers" until cured by "Dr. James's Powders (one of the most excellent medicin…
Site of Adam Good Tavern visited by George Washington July 1st & 2nd 1791.
General Braddock's 4th camp on the march to Fort Duquesne June 17, 1755. Washington arrived here after Braddock's defeat July 15th, 1755. Washington also stopped here May 9th, 1754, July 7th or 8th, 1754, October 1st, 1770, November 26th, 1770 and September…
(Patented by Ninian Beall as "Largo," 1686) Known as "Castle Magruder" where lived Rev. Jonathan Boucher, tutor to "Jackie" Custis.
George and Martha Washington, Nelly and John Parke Custis, Benedict Calvert, and Robert Eden, last royal governor of Maryl…
The home of Major Snowden. Original Gran 1686. George Washington stopped here May 9 and September 21, 1787 on his way to and returning from the Constitutional Convention.