George Washington Slept Here
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Here, on April 23, 1789, on his way to New York City, Washington was received by troops from Elizabethtown and Newark. He was entertained at the Inn kept by Samuel Smith by gentlemen of the Town.
President Washington passed here early on the morning of Tuesday, May 17th, 1791, enroute to the home of William Skinner with whom he had breakfast. The Skinner home, still standing (1953), is about 5 miles northwest. President Washington spent the previous…
Traveling from Savannah to Augusta on his Southern tour of 1791, President George Washington stopped in Waynesboro on May 17. Departing from Savannah two days earlier, Washington lodged at "one Spencers " in Effingham County, fifteen miles north of Nathanae…
On July 31, 1783, an Act was passed by the General Assembly meeting in Augusta to lay out a town, Waynesborough, on reserved or private land. Commissioners named (Thomas Lewis, Sr., Thomas Lewis, Jr., John Duhart, Edward Telfair, John Jones) were instructed…
Washington's Headquartershas been designated aRegistered National Historic Landmark.
Under the provisions of the Historic Sites Act of August 21, 1935 this site possesses exceptional value in commemorating and illustrating the history of the United State…
One of the most progressive farmers of his day, George Washington believed America's future depended on improvements in agriculture. From 1754-1799, he worked to improve his farming methods at Mount Vernon. Abandoning tobacco, which depleted the soil, Washi…
Howland Avenue divided the farms of miller Cornelius Van Saun to the south and Christian Dederer to the north. Hendrick Banta lived west of Mill Creek. The Continental Army moved into Bergen County in August 1780 to forage for food and to await the French a…
The Continental Army is reported to have utilized the old spring at the base of these slopes during the September encampment west of the Hackensack River.Reports indicate that General Washington visited here and drank water from the spring.Bergen County Par…
On his way to PhiladelphiaFriday July 1, 1791stopped in this buildingknown asCookerly's Tavern.
The Hasbrouck house served as General Washington's headquarters from April 1782 until August 1783. He issued the cease-fire orders here on April 19, 1783.
Revolutionary War Heritage Trail