Colorado: History Colorado
Page 4 of 6 — Showing results 31 to 40 of 54
At this location on April 23, 1865, assassins shot and killed 1st Colorado Cavalary Officer Capt. Silas S. Soule. During the infamous Sand Creek Massacre of November 29, 1864, Soule had disobeyed orders by refusing to fire on Chief Black Kettle's peaceful C…
Frustrated in their attempt to climb Pike's Peak on November 27, 1806, Zebulon Pike and his party of 15 trudged on through South Park looking for the Red River, southern boundary of the Louisiana Purchase. After crossing Trout Creek Pass, the explorers came…
High-Five Plains TownsWatkins, Bennett, Strasburg, Byers, Peoria, Deer Trail, Agate, Godfrey, Cedar Point, Riverbend—most of these Colorado high plains towns were founded around the time when the Kansas Pacific Railroad arrived in 1870. Five of these …
The Rocky Mountains proved a formidable barrier to early aviation, leaving Colorado in a familiar position: bypassed. As with the railroads fifty years earlier, transcontinental air traffic went through Wyoming; Colorado had to make do with a Denver-based s…
Top of the Marker:The Soldier's LifeFort Garland housed infantry and cavalry units. During the 1870's the famed Buffalo Soldiers—African-American cavalrymen—were also posted here. For all soldiers—and their families—life at Fort Garl…
"Raton" is Spanish for "Mouse".
On mountain branch Santa Fe Trail.
Crossed by Kearny's Army of the
west in the Mexican war and by
first regiment, Colorado Volunteers
in the civil war. "Uncle Dick"
Wooten's toll road built 1865.
Railroad constructed 1878.
Named for the great western scout, guide, trapper, and Indian fighter. Located on famous trails - at the junction of the Smoky Hill stagecoach route and the Texas - Montana, Potter and Bacon, and Chisum cattle trails. On the old Kansas Pacific Railroad, at …
Smoky Hill Trail
The Smoky Hill Trail was the most direct route to Denver and the goldfields of the central Rockies. Immigrants heading west through central Kansas followed the Kansas River, then headed up its Smoky Hill River branch into the high plains of…
In this immediate area once stood
Arapahoe City
A pioneer placer mining camp the earliest town in Jefferson County. Named for the Arapaho Indians. Town company organized Nov. 29, 1858. From here went George A. Jackson and John H. Gregory to make their hi…
Panel 1
Welcome to Colorado
Colorado's vast plains, rugged mountains and grand plateaus, so magnificent in their beauty and variety seem at times to overshadow the state's history and people. But look closely. The story of Colorado is every bit as dram…