Historical Marker Series

Colorado: History Colorado

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Panel 1 A Highway for the Ages Though less famous than the trails that brought American pioneers westward, the north-south route along the foot of the Rockies covers far greater distances in space and in time. This natural transportation corridor runs t…
Welcome to Colorado Colorado's vast plains, rugged mountains, and grand plateaus, so magnificent in their beauty and variety, seem at times to overshadow the state's history and people. But look closely. The story of Colorado is every bit as dramatic as …
Plains Indian Life By the nineteenth century, Colorado's southeastern plains country was home to many native peoples, including Comanches, Kiowas, Plains Apaches, Arapahos, and Cheyennes. Although vastly different in language and culture, they shared cer…
Sand Creek Massacre At dawn on the morning of November 29 I was still in bed when I heard shouts and the noise of people running about the camp. I jumped up and ran out of my lodge. From down the creek a large body of troops was advancing at a rapid trot…
Front Colorado's Northern Coal Field: Lest We Forget Colorado's immense northern coal field, centered beneath these rolling hills, contributed to the early development and growth of Colorado and to the birth of nearby towns. Miners and mine owners in …
This memorial is the property of the State of Colorado — Due west ΒΌ mile is the site of Fort Lupton Established in 1836 by Lieut. Lancaster P. Lupton A rendezvous of the early fur trappers visited by Fremont and Kit Carson in 1…
This memorial is the property of the state of Colorado. — Two Hundred feet due east of this point stood Fort Junction a sod enclosure erected in 1864 by the pioneers of Boulder and St. Vrain Valleys as a protection against hostile India…
Western Slope Agriculture According to an 1888 U.S. Department of Agriculture report, western Colorado's thin soils, high altitude, and lack of rainfall rendered the region totally unfit for cultivation. The document's author apparently failed to notice …
The Dominguez-Escalante Expedition Just south of here on August 27, 1776, the Spanish explorers Dominguez and Escalante met a Ute Indian whom they called El Surdo (The Deaf One). They were seeking a route west, the two Spaniards explained, and wanted inf…
Fort Vasquez As trappers and explorers, Louis Vasquez and Andrew Sublette helped build the lucrative fur trade. But by 1835, when they raised Fort Vasquez midway between Fort Laramie and Bent's Old Fort along Trapper's Trail and went into business …