Colorado: History Colorado
Page 6 of 6 — Showing results 51 to 54 of 54
Mining and Ranching
For a time, the Wet Mountain Valley appeared destined for mining glory. Silver strikes at Rosita (about fifteen miles southeast of here) in 1872, Querida (about twelve miles southeast) in 1877, and Silver Cliff (six miles southeast) i…
The Utes
An Abundant Earth
The bountiful food resources of the Uncompahgre Valley normally allowed the Tabeguache Utes a life free from hunger. Elk and deer ranged through the valley in profusion, as did antelope, mountain sheep, beaver, sage hens, and du…
The land around Saguache (pronounced "sah-WATCH") has been inhabited for thousands of years - first by unnamed nomads, later by the Utes (who camped here seasonally), and later still by Mexican traders bound for California on the Old Spanish Trail…
This park is dedicated to Otto Mears, Russian-born Colorado Pioneer, know as "The Pathfinder of the San Juan", who came to the San Luis Valley in 1865. In Saguache (A Ute Indian word meaning "blue earth"), Otto Mears was married in 1870,…