Markers Attached to Sculpture
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Man of Vision Land, Water and PowerFather ofThe Model Colony
Sponsored byUpland Sister Cities Association.Upland's Sister CityMildura, Australia,was founded byGeorge and W.B. Chaffey.
John Edward Svenson, FNSSSculptor
December 14, 1878 - November 25, 1949.Dancer · Actor · HumanitarianNative Son of Richmond———Internationally famous actor and dancer rendered many kindnesses to the citizens of Richmond.
Inventor of the Steamboat who in October, A.D. 1783, on the Potomac River near the mouth of Sir John's Run made the first successful application of steam to the practical purpose of navigation and who on December 3rd, 1787, made a further successful demonst…
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial honors the courage, sacrifice, and devotion to duty and country of the men and women of the armed forces of the United States who served in America's longest war. By virtue of its design, the memorial inspires a contemplative e…
Secretary of the TreasuryGenius of FinanceSenator and RepresentativeCommissioner for the Treaty of GhentMinister to France and Great BritainAnd SteadfastChampion of Democracy1761-1849
This statue of the first Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution was made in 1881 by the American sculptor William Wetmore Storey, then working in Rome. Unveiled April 19, 1883.
To commemorate the first English Catholic Settlers in Virginia: Colonel Giles Brent, Deputy Governor of Maryland 1643; Margaret and Mary Brent who settled at Aquia 1647; George Brent, King's Attorney General 1686, Member House of Burgesses 1688, who petitio…
1. John McIntire, Founder, son-in-law of Ebenezer Zane. Visionary for the town's development. His legacy lives on in the McIntire Scholarship Fund. Died in 1815 at age 56.
2. Noah Norris, Patriot. Enlisted in the first black regiment recruited in Ohio du…
William Groom Leftwich, Jr.Lieutenant Colonel, U. S. Marine CorpsBorn Memphis, Tennessee, 28 April 1931Graduated U. S. Naval Academy 5 June 1953Killed in Action, Vietnam, 18 November 1970Remembered for his Leadership, Tactical Skill, Bold Fighting Spirit, a…
In March of 1748, George Washington, at age sixteen, arrived in Winchester, then called Frederick Town. During the next four years, he worked as a surveyor throughout the colonial Virginia frontier.