Québec Martello Towers

Québec Martello Towers (HM1J90)

Location: Québec, Québec Communauté-Urbaine-de-Québec
Country: Canada
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N 46° 48.113', W 71° 13.037'

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Les tours Martello de Québec

Four Martello towers (three of which remains) were an integral part of the defences of Québec, the key to the control of the continental interior of North America. Works had been proposed in the Plains of Abraham since the early 1790s, but only after the Anglo-American crisis of 1807 did Governor Sir James Craig order construction of the towers. Built between 1808 and 1812, they were intended to prevent an attacker drawing close enough to lay siege to the walls of Québec. Their effectiveness was never tested in battle, and they became obsolete in the 1860s.

Quatre tours Martello (il en reste trois) faisaient partie des fortifications de Québec, lieu stratégique pour le contrôle de l'intérieur de l'Amérique du Nord. On avait projeté de construire des ouvrages de défense sur la plaine d'Abraham dès le début des années 1790, mais le gouverneur sir James Craig ordonna l'édification des tours seulement après la crise anglo-américaine de 1807. Érigées entre 1808 et 1812, elles devaient empêcher l'agresseur de s'approcher suffisamment pour assiéger la ville. Leur efficacité ne fut jamais éprouvée militairement et, dès les années 1860, elles devinrent désuètes.
HM NumberHM1J90
Placed ByHistoric Sites and Monument Board of Canada/Commission de lieux et monuments historique du Canada
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Sunday, February 22nd, 2015 at 9:01pm PST -08:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)19T E 330810 N 5185535
Decimal Degrees46.80188333, -71.21728333
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 46° 48.113', W 71° 13.037'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds46° 48' 6.7800" N, 71° 13' 2.2200" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Which side of the road?Marker is on the right when traveling West
Closest Postal AddressAt or near Avenue Ontario, Québec Québec , CA
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