Plaza of the Columns Historical

Plaza of the Columns Historical (HM1VG6)

Location: , Petén
Country: Guatemala
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N 17° 4.296', W 89° 23.952'

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Plaza de las Columnas(Plaza B)El conjunto se ubica en el extremo norte de la Calzada de los Peregrinos. El lado Oeste lo ocupa un edificio en forma de Salón Abierto que tuvo 7 columnas circulares en la fachada de influencia maya Yucateca. En el sector norte de la plaza se encuentran cuatro pequeños santuarios. En la escalinata monumental del Palacio de las quince puertas que supera los 15 metros de altura, se encontró la estela 11 que muestra un guerrero vestido como Tláloc, una deidad mexicana asociada a la lluvia, el trueno y la guerra que tuvo fuerte influencia en la cultura maya del período Clásico Temprano.El altar central de la plaza tuvo forma cruciforme, muy similar al altar que se encuentra al centro de la plaza de Topoxté.English translation:Plaza of the Columns(Plaza B)The complex is located at the northern end of the Causeway of the Pilgrims. The west side is occupied by a building in the form of an open hall that had seven circular columns on the facade that indicate a Yucatecan Mayan influence. In the northern part of the plaza are four small shrines. In the monumental staircase of the Palace are fifteen gates, each with a height over 15 meters. That is also where Stela 11 was found. It shows a warrior dressed as Tláloc, a Mexican deity associated with rain, thunder
and war that had a strong influence on the Mayan culture of the Early Classic period (250-600 AD).The central altar of the plaza was shaped like a cross, very similar to the altar that is the center of the plaza of Topoxté.
HM NumberHM1VG6
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Monday, October 31st, 2016 at 5:01pm PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)16Q E 244656 N 1889045
Decimal Degrees17.07160000, -89.39920000
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 17° 4.296', W 89° 23.952'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds17° 4' 17.76" N, 89° 23' 57.12" W
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Closest Postal AddressAt or near Unnamed Road, Petén , GT
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