The Colonnade of the Northeastern Corner Historical

The Colonnade of the Northeastern Corner Historical (HM1X7W)

Location: , Yucatán Tinum
Country: Mexico
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N 20° 40.931', W 88° 33.986'

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El acceso por el lado sur, y su unión con otras columnatas elevadas al norte, indican se usó para separar lo que acontecía en la plaza que se
encuentra a sus pies. Esta secuencia de edificios muestra por lo menos, dos etapas constructivas. En la primera, tuvo cuatro crujías abovedadas sostenidas por columnas y paredes estucadas y cubiertas de pintura de
diversos colores. En la segunda, se rellenaron las dos crujías orientales con la finalidad de construir cuartos la finalidad de un segundo piso. Durante esta época, se adosó la Columnata Noreste que corresponde al 900-1200 d.C.Maya-Yucateco:U yokol máak te' tzéel nojol yéetel u núupul ti' uláak' ka'anal okom tuunicho'ob xamane' ku ye'esik meyajnaj tia'al u jatzil le ba'ak ku yúuchul te' tu k'íiwikilo'. U tzoolil le najo'oba', ku ye'esik xan kex ka'a téen ch'a' jo'olta'ab u meyajil tia'al u beeta'al. Tu yáax najile', yaan ka'ach kan t'ol bej ichil, pedza'an u yóok'olil yéetel okom tunicho'ob bey xan pak'o'ob jadzutzkíinta'ano'ob yéetel jeejeláas boono'ob. Le uláak najo' bu'ut' u t'o'ol lak'in bejilo'ob tia'al u beeta'al mejen najo'ob tu yóok'ol. Te' k'iino'obo' ju'udz le okom tuunicho'ob yan tu táan xaman lak'ino', leti' le ku taalo'ob ichil u ja'abilo'ob 900 tak 1,200 ka'aj dzo'ok u taal wey yóok'ol kaab Ki'ichkelem Yuume'.English:The southern access
and the juncture with other elevated columns to the north indicate
that the colonnade was used to isolate events that occurred in the plaza. At least two construction stages are evident in this sequence of buildings. In the first, there were four vaulted bays sustained by columns and stucco walls covered with multi-color painting. In the second, the two eastern bays were enclosed in order to build rooms on the second floor. The Northeast Colonnade was incorporated during the period from 900
1200 A.D.
HM NumberHM1X7W
Placed ByConsejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes de México (CONACULTA)-INAH
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Saturday, March 11th, 2017 at 1:01pm PST -08:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)16Q E 336844 N 2287762
Decimal Degrees20.68218333, -88.56643333
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 20° 40.931', W 88° 33.986'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds20° 40' 55.86" N, 88° 33' 59.16" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 5009 Carr. Costera del Golfo, Yucatán , MX
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