Tree of Saint Peter

Tree of Saint Peter (HM1YF2)

Location: Sumpango, Sacatepéquez
Country: Guatemala
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N 14° 38.829', W 90° 44.202'

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Árbol de Santo Hermano PedroNombre: EsquisuchilNombre científico: Bourreira HuanitaFamilia: BoraginaceaeAltura promedio: 9 MetrosSembrado el 21 de Agosto de 2016Es un Brote Natural del árbolplantado por el Santo Hermano Pedrode San José de Bethancourt el 19 deMarzo de 1657, ubicado en el Jardínde la Iglesia del Calvario enLa Antigua Guatemala. Un árbol para nuestras futuras generacionesen agradecimiento por la donación de este árbol alDr. Miguel Torres R. eIng. Luis Eduardo Guzman I. y por la gestión del mismo a: Federico Carranza · Enrique Ajuchan · Edgar Tejaxán · Manuel Cubur · Gerber Quisque · Oscar Humberto S. GilSumpango Sacatepéquez, XXI de VIII del MMXVI
English translation:
Tree of Saint Brother Peter Name: EsquisuchilScientific name: Bourreira HuanitaFamily: BoraginaceaeAverage height: 9 Meters Planted on August 21, 2016This was a natural bud of the original tree planted by the Holy Brother Peterof Saint Joseph of Bethancourt on March 19, 1657, located in the Garden of The Church of the Calvary inAntigua Guatemala. A tree for our future generations Gratitude for the donation of this tree to Dr. Miguel Torres R. and Ing. Luis Eduardo
Guzman I. and also to: Federico Carranza · Enrique Ajuchan · Edgar Tejaxán · Manuel Cubur · Gerber Quisque · Oscar Humberto S. Gil Sumpango Sacatepéquez, August 21, 2016
HM NumberHM1YF2
Year Placed2016
Placed ByDr. Miguel Torres R. e Ing. Luis Eduardo Guzman I
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Friday, May 26th, 2017 at 5:57pm PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)15P E 743771 N 1620517
Decimal Degrees14.64715000, -90.73670000
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 14° 38.829', W 90° 44.202'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds14° 38' 49.74" N, 90° 44' 12.12" W
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Closest Postal AddressAt or near 0 Avenida, Sumpango Sacatepéquez , GT
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