Historical Marker Search

You searched for Postal Code: 32054

Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Continuous religious services have been held on this site since 1844. The first church, of hand hewn logs was erected, and the following were elected elders at the time of constitution, February 20, 1847: Cornealus Buey and Sham Peacock. The first…
Union County, established on October 1, 1921, is the smallest of Florida's 67 counties. Its 245 square miles are bounded by Baker County on the north and by the natural boundaries of Olustee Creek, the Santa Fe River and the New River. Once occupi…
Providence is believed to be the second oldest Florida settlement next to St. Augustine. The Lonnie Summers Family found this statement written on the wall of the Old Odem House they purchased in 1936: "St. Augustine was founded in 1565. Shortly t…