Historical Marker Search

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The Civil War divided Missouri, but in Callaway County more soldiers served with the pro-Southern Missouri State Guard (MSG), the Confederate Army or irregular partisans. The MSG was a state-sanctioned force, organized in May 1861 to defend Missou…
Sacred to the memory ofCaptain James Callaway,who sacrificed his life in the defense of hiscountry, and who fell in the same battle in whichMcMullin, McDermid and Houchins were killed. Captain James Callaway,raised and commanded a company of on…
Originally located on a bluff on Stinson Creek in northwest Fulton, about 200 yards north of the Boone's Lick Trail, this rock bears the name D. Boone with the date 1801 and an arrow pointing due west. The gift of Mr. & Mrs. Harry McIntire to t…
In honored memory of those from Callaway County who gave their lives in the service of our country. They joined an unbroken line of patriots who died, that liberty, freedom and justice might live and grow. Erected May 29, 1989 [Rolls of Hono…
This gun was placed here by Callaway Post 2657, Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, and the City of Fulton, in honor of the Callaway men and women who served their country in all of its wars. Dedicated May 26, 1997
Dedicated in 1922 to the Soldiers, Sailors & Marines of Callaway Co. who served their country in the World War of 1917-1918 and whose names now appear on bronze tablets in the Callaway Co. Court House. This ground was acquired in 1921, through …
The Church of St. Mary Aldermanbury first mentioned in 1181, destroyed by the Great Fire of London in 1666, rebuilt by Christopher Wren, destroyed by bombing in 1940. The remaining fabric removed to Westminster College in 1966 and restored as this…
Commemorates Churchill's "Iron Curtain" speech delivered at Westminster College, Fulton, Missouri on March 5, 1946, in which he warned:"From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic an IRON CURTAIN has descended across the Continent. Behin…
Following the defeat of Nazi Germany in 1945, the country was divided into four zones of occupation by the World War II Allies. The United States, Great Britain, France and the Soviet Union. Berlin, located deep within the Soviet zone also was sub…