Canadian National Hotels

Canadian National Hotels (HM1IRY)

Location: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island C1A 1M9 Queens County
Country: Canada
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N 46° 14.082', W 63° 7.833'

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Rodd Hotels & Resorts

This marker is composed of two plaques on either side of the entrance.
In 1930, the Canadian National Railway (CNR) decided to build a hotel in Charlottetown, Railway hotels were the standard of comfort and service, but the new Canadian National was more than a hotel. When it opened in April. 1931 it joined the family of highly-regarded CNR hotels across Canada and was hailed in the media of the day as "the beginning of a new era in the province." It stood for everything the Island hoped its young tourists industry would become - modern and stylish, yet elegant and comfortable, a place where, as The Charlottetown Guardian wrote: "...people of moderate means may come to enjoy themselves without extravagant outlay." In 1939 it was renamed "The Charlottetown Hotel."

"The Charlottetown," as it became known to Islanders, changed hands several times, but was owned and operated for many years by Carl Burke. In 1985, hotelier David Rodd fulfilled his long-held dream of adding "The Charlottetown" to his family's growing chai of Maritime hotels and resorts. As a young man, he had a high regard for the hotel and loved the way it stood out architecturally within the city. The challenge of modernizing the property, while respecting its heritage integrity, has been a labour of love for the Rodd family and for the people whose careers and lives are associated with the company. "The Charlottetown" has become the 'de facto" flagship of Rodd Hotels & Resorts.
Placed ByRodd Hotels & Resorts
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Sunday, January 11th, 2015 at 9:01pm PST -08:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)20T E 489934 N 5120133
Decimal Degrees46.23470000, -63.13055000
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 46° 14.082', W 63° 7.833'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds46° 14' 4.92" N, 63° 7' 49.98" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Which side of the road?Marker is on the right when traveling West
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 75-97 Kent St, Charlottetown Prince Edward Island C1A 1M9, CA
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