
Larder/Kitchen/Refectory (HM1KWX)

Location: , Nevşehir Nevşehir Merkez
Country: Turkey
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N 38° 38.341', E 34° 50.736'

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— Les Dépots, Cuisines et Réfectories / Küchen-, Lager- und Eßräume —

English: These three areas lie side by side and are connected by passageways. The first section was used as a larder, with recesses hollowed from the rock being used as storage spaces. In the kitchen there is a "tandır", a type of oven still found in local village houses. The final section was the refectory. A long table carved from the rock extends from the left of the entrance. This would have seated 40 - 50 people. To the right of the table is a winery hollowed in the floor used for squashing grapes.

Yılanlı kilise ile karanlık kilise arasında yer alan üç yapı yan yana olup, birbirleriyle bağlantılıdır, Kiler olarak kullanılan ilk mekanda erzakları depolamak için oyuklar bulunmaktadır. Mutfakta ise yöre köylerinde hala kullanılan topraktan yapılmış 'tandır' adı verilen ocak bulunmaktadır. En son bölümde ise yemekhane yer alır. Girişin sol tarafında 40-50 kisinin yemek yiyebileceği taştan sıra ve masa mevcuttur. Masanın sağ tarafında tabanda üzüm ezmek için bir şırahane vardır.

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German: To read the German text, click on the marker image to enlarge.
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Date Added Thursday, June 4th, 2015 at 6:01pm PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)36S E 660628 N 4278334
Decimal Degrees38.63901667, 34.84560000
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 38° 38.341', E 34° 50.736'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds38° 38' 20.46" N, 34° 50' 44.16" E
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Which side of the road?Marker is on the right when traveling South
Closest Postal AddressAt or near Müze Cd, Nevşehir , TR
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