The Aqueduct of the Arches

The Aqueduct of the Arches (HM296E)

Location: Tecozautla, Hidalgo Tecozautla
Country: Mexico
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N 20° 31.442', W 99° 37.978'

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Acueducto de los ArcosEl acueducto de los Arcos es una obra de ingeniería hidráulica construida en la época de La Colonia por el año de (1702).La disposición del acueducto responde a un esquema sencillo, basado en una hilera de tres arcos de medio punto. El acueducto está reforzado en ambos lados por contrafuertes de forma cilíndrica. En la parte superior se encuentra el canal de conducción de agua que sirve a un sistema de riego por medio de acequias que funciona en la actualidad. Este atractivo turístico de Tecozautla se encuentra rodeado de árboles frondoso y de frescas e inmensas huertas tanto de hortalizas como de árboles frutales.
English translation:The Aqueduct of the Arches The Aqueduct of the Arches is a work of hydraulic engineering built during colonial times in 1702. The aqueduct is based on a simple plan, made up of a row of three half-point arches. The aqueduct is reinforced on both sides by buttresses of cylindrical shape. In the upper part there is the water channel that serves an irrigation system through the means of ditches and that is currently still in operation. This tourist attraction of Tecozautla is surrounded by leafy trees and fresh and immense vegetable gardens as well as fruit orchards.
HM NumberHM296E
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Sunday, July 8th, 2018 at 10:01pm PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)14Q E 434009 N 2269600
Decimal Degrees20.52403333, -99.63296667
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 20° 31.442', W 99° 37.978'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds20° 31' 26.52" N, 99° 37' 58.68" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Which side of the road?Marker is on the right when traveling East
Closest Postal AddressAt or near , Tecozautla Hidalgo , MX
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