Brigadier Generals Smorawiński and Mond War Memorial, a War Memorial

Brigadier Generals Smorawiński and Mond War Memorial, a War Memorial (HM29MO)

Location: Kraków, małopolskie 31-044 Kraków
Country: Poland

N 50° 3.402', E 19° 56.274'

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W tym budynku
siedzibie komendy garnizonu
miasta krakowa
mieśił się sztab
6 Dywizii Piechoty
ktorej ostatnimi dowódcami

Gen. Bryg. Mieczysław
zamordowany w Katynu

Gen. Bryg. Bernard Stanisław

Uczestnicy walk
o niepodległość i granice
II Rzeczypospolitej
w okresie wojny
polsko-bolszewickię 1919-1920
i wojny 1939 roku
Kawalerowie Orderu
Virtuti Militari


(English translation:)
In this building, the central command of the garrison of the city of Krakow, was housed the headquarters of the 6th Infantry Division, whose last commanders were Brigadier General Mieczyslaw Smorawiński (1893-1940), murdered at Katyn, and Brigadier General Bernard Stanislaw Mond (1887-1957). They were participants in the battle for the independence and borders of the Second Polish Republic during the Polish-Soviet War (1919-1920) and in the War of 1939 - Knights of the Order of Military Virtue.
HM NumberHM29MO
Placed ByKadra 6. Pomorskiej Brygady
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Sunday, July 22nd, 2018 at 1:01am PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)27U E 576027 N 5545475
Decimal Degrees50.05670000, 19.93790000
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 50° 3.402', E 19° 56.274'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds50° 3' 24.1200" N, 19° 56' 16.4400" E
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Which side of the road?Marker is on the right when traveling East
Closest Postal AddressAt or near Plac Św. Marii Magdaleny, Kraków małopolskie 31-044, PL
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