Columbus Monument

Columbus Monument (HM6C5)

Location: Columbus, OH 43215 Franklin County
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N 39° 57.642', W 82° 59.97'

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Christopher Columbus, an Italian navigator, launched four voyages of discovery to the new world.

1492. The spirit of discovery has the power to change the course of human history as demonstrated by the voyages of Christopher Columbus, whose imagination shattered the boundaries of the Western world. Modern history has been shaped by one man's courage to pursue a dream.

1892. A dream shared by later generations who explored a vast continent where freedom and opportunity beckoned to those with the courage and imagination to venture westward.

1932. Westward into Ohio came the successors to the spirit of Columbus, naming the capitol city of the new state after the man who symbolized the spirit of the frontier...

1992. Frontiers explored by later generations of Ohioans extend beyond land and water to a new world whose potential remains to be unlocked by the spirit of discovery.

Donated by the Josephinum to the State of Ohio. This statue was relocated to Capitol Square. · The fountain honors Ohio's sister state bond with Liguria, Italy, the navigator's home. · The Pontifical College Josephinum commissioned this statue from the W. H. Mullins studio.
HM NumberHM6C5
Year Placed1932
Placed ByThe Pontifical College Josephinum, who relocated it here. It was originally erected in 1892 at the College's courtyard at 821 East Main Street
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Friday, September 5th, 2014 at 8:52pm PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)17S E 329219 N 4425309
Decimal Degrees39.96070000, -82.99950000
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 39° 57.642', W 82° 59.97'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds39° 57' 38.52" N, 82° 59' 58.20" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Area Code(s)614, 513
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 24 E State St, Columbus OH 43215, US
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