Marcus Hook First Ward Veterans Memorial

Marcus Hook First Ward Veterans Memorial (HMQR5)

Location: Marcus Hook, PA 19061 Delaware County
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N 39° 48.851', W 75° 24.776'

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To Those Of The First Ward
who served their country to preserve
the four essential human freedoms

1941 World War II 1945
Armed Forces [and] Merchant Marine

[Honor Roll of Names]

1950 Korean Conflict 1953
[Honor Roll of Names]

In Memory Of
Those Who Made the Supreme Sacrifice

Barrington, Oliver, SS Jos. M. Cudahy
Belfer, Harry, SS Atlantic Sun
Goulden, Bernard, SS Daniel Huger
Handy, Bradford, SS Jos. M. Cudahy
Johonnett, Fred, SS Patrick J. Hurley
Johnson, James, U.S. Army
Mori, Cesare, MS Sunoil
Olsen, Emil, SS Pan Mass.
Raoul, James, SS Jos. M. Cudahy
Reed, Howard, SS J.N. Pew
Rohmer, George, MS Lake Oswego
Suchon, George, SS Jos. M. Cudahy
Stone, Roy, MS Sunoil
Susanen, Charles, SS Jos. M. Cudahy
Wood, Francis, SS Atlantic Sun

Dedicated May 30, 1962
HM NumberHMQR5
Year Placed1962
Placed ByFirst Ward Citizens
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Monday, October 13th, 2014 at 1:02pm PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)18S E 464656 N 4407215
Decimal Degrees39.81418333, -75.41293333
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 39° 48.851', W 75° 24.776'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds39° 48' 51.06" N, 75° 24' 46.56" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Area Code(s)610, 484
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 224 Market St, Marcus Hook PA 19061, US
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